When another person dismisses us, we only have two options. Let it go or walk away.
Determine when it is time to draw the line.
This can be a tough one to determine, so we're going to give you some guidelines for when someone doesn't respect your request or doesn't change afterwards.
The first is the ACID test. What type of behavior, in your estimation, is this a violation of? Is it abusive, selfish, or a violation of some agreement or relationship, implicit or explicit. By the way, the nature of the infraction is something you can communicate so they understand why you have a problem with what they did or didn't do.
If it's abusive, a single incident can suffice. If selfish, it may take repetition before you see a pattern saying they aren't willing to consider you which is, in effect, a subtle form of abuse as well. If it's in a relationship, whether that's business or personal, you may be willing to take into account the history. So if this is the first thing they've done after knowing them for a while, you may be willing to accept it if they repair and the action isn't egregious.
However, by all means, keep a record. It's not that you want to beat them down with their errors. Rather, it is about following up on their change. After all, we want to help them with that, right? So if they are struggling with something and it is impacting us, if we have the ability to help them change without too much inconvenience on our part, the effort will be a win-win situation for both of you.