Before we can manage our mind, we must know what is going on in the rest of our body.
Become physically aware.
There is nothing more important in life than being able to recognize when we have experienced a physical sensation driven by our subconscious.
We commit two fatal flaws on a regular basis. We ignore what we are feeling and, when we don't, we look externally for responsibility. Both habits fly in the face of what we have learned so far. Emotions, while an ever present guide, are learned and, therefore, flawed. They are constantly influencing us for better or worse, whether we realize it or not, and driving how we perceive reality.
If you are fortunate enough - or unfortunate, depending upon how you look at it - you are likely tethered to the world via a smartphone. Regardless, we are amidst the age of knowing. It is pretty much impossible to ignore what is going on in the world around us. And by the world I mean the entire planet. Literally. The internet has made it possible for us to read and hear about every little problem going on somewhere.
If that wasn't enough, we also tend to lead pretty hectic lives. Even if we are stationed at some remote outpost, the sun rises, we wake up, and consciousness takes over. There's plenty stuff to do even if that's just surviving. Personal care, nutritional needs, environment maintenance, even deciding what to do with those waking hours can seem like a daily tribulation, not to mention the job we may have and all the other people with whom we need to interact. Living can be taxing!
Add to that, we may chosen a hectic life. When I got my first regular office job at age 30, all I did was sit at a desk each day. I was a programmer and most of my work was done via a computer, including using email to communicate with others. Nonetheless, despite having a fairly sedentary vocation, I was exhausted come Friday afternoon even though, in my mind, I hadn't done much physically. In reality, though, I was taxed mentally and emotionally, and that was literally a stamina I had to improve.
It is really easy to get lost in what we do, failing to realize the importance of what we feel. Next up is some idea as to how we might reverse that imbalance to improve control of our emotions.